Query language#

SnoozeWeb has its own built-in query language to search alerts and other objects in the database from the web interface search bar.


Basic boolean logic is supported. Note that none of the keyword is case sensitive. Parenthesis are supported.


The “AND” operation is implicit.

host=myhost01 process=systemd

Explicit “AND” is also supported like so:

host=myhost01 and process=systemd

The & character is also accepted:

host=myhost01 & process=systemd


The “OR” boolean operation is explicit:

host=myhost01 or host=myhost02

The | character is also accepted:

host=myhost01 | host=myhost02


The revert the result of a condition, NOT can be used.

not process=systemd

The character ! is also supported:



  • The in keyword support queries in the backend, but this is not supported bu the query parser (i.e. type=Postfix in relays)

  • The parser rarely error, thus invalid syntax might still be interpreted without proper feedback.