

Conditions are used by all process plugins. It is only when a condition is true that a process plugin gets executed. Conditions can also be used for searching in the web interface. A query language has been created to facilitate writing them. Empty conditions are always true

A basic condition is formed with a keyword, a field and sometimes a value. It is executed against each field of an alert.

Logical operators#

Binary operators (AND, OR) can join 2 conditions while NOT operator transforms the current condition.


ConditionA AND ConditionB is true only if ConditionA is true and ConditionB is true.


ConditionA OR ConditionB is true only if ConditionA is true or ConditionB is true.


NOT ConditionA is true only if ConditionA is false.


Keywords are used to compare an alert’s field with an expected value.


Nested fields can be referenced by using dot notation (.): field.nestedfield

Equals (=)#

Field = Value is true only if the alert has the field Field and its corresponding value is exactly Value.

Different (!=)#

Field != Value is true only if the alert has the field Field and its corresponding value is not exactly Value.

Greater than (>)#

Field > Value is true only if the alert has the field Field, its corresponding value can be compared with Value and is greater than it.

Greater or equal to (>=)#

Field >= Value is true only if the alert has the field Field, its corresponding value can be compared with Value and is greater or equal to it.

Lower than (<)#

Field < Value is true only if the alert has the field Field, its corresponding value can be compared with Value and is lower than it.

Lower or equal to (<=)#

Field <= Value is true only if the alert has the field Field, its corresponding value can be compared with Value and is lower or equal to it.


Field ~ Value is true only if the alert has the field Field and its corresponding value regex matches Value (case insensitive).


Field ? is true only if the alert has the field Field.


Field contains Value is true only if the alert has the field Field and if either of the following is true:

  • The field corresponding value is a string and Value is a substring of it.

  • The field corresponding value is an array and Value is an element of it.

Web interface#


Since an empty condition is always true, the first click on [+] button will create a basic condition.

A click on a basic condition [+] button will add another condition separated by a binary operator.

A click on a binary operator [+] button will add another condition under the same operator.

A click on the blue button will clear the basic condition.

A click on a basic condition delete button will delete it. If it was the second to last remaining children of a binary operator, the operator will get deleted as well to only display its remaining child.

A click on a logical operator delete button will delete all its children.